Friday, March 1, 2013

Car Shopping

I finally bought a car! It's a 2004 Holden Astra City edition. It's white, it has four doors and it has air conditioning. It does NOT have power windows, but I imagine I'll mostly use the air con anyway, so no biggie. It's also an automatic, which is not something I thought I'd drive again after discovering that I love driving stick. Last time I was in Australia I drove stick around Perth and I was fine, but this time around I was a little anxious about it and thought an automatic might be easier to handle driving on the left, so an automatic it is.

I bought it off of Karratha Buy, Sell and Swap on Facebook, not Dreamer's Hill, which is where I thought I'd find it. Buy, Sell and Swap is where Karrathans post items to (you guessed it) buy, sell or swap. You can find anything on it: dining room sets, gym memberships, video games, vehicles... I had been scanning the site for a couple weeks and noticed that most things went pretty quickly. You had to act fast to get in on the deal. When Ashleigh's ad came up for the Astra I was the first one to reply. I viewed it that afternoon and had my friend Beck's husband check it out the next day. I had bought my three previous cars privately before, but never without having a mechanic checking it out. Apparently that's quite pricy to do here and while I was a little nervous about skipping this important step, it seemed like a good buy, so after doing a Revs Check (a vehicle history check) I went ahead and bought it. The last Revs Check I had done showed the vehicle in question, a Mazda 3, had flood damage and had been written off, so that was $35 well spent. This one turned up nothing, which eased my mind a bit. I'd be happier if my brother the mechanic was here to check it out, but I think I did pretty well all things considering. Dreamer's Hill is a large lot on the corner of the Dampier Highway where people park their cars, utes and boats hoping for a sale. It's where I found the Mazda 3. It's a quite a busy place on the weekend and gets lots of traffic. When it comes time for me to sell the Astra in December, I'll probably use both Dreamer's Hill and Karratha Buy, Sell and Swap. I'll need to make a quick sale too!

A surprising thing about buying a car in Australia: you have to pay a stamp duty when you transfer ownership. It cost $220! What?! This car buying business was more expensive than I had thought. The car itself was $7400, the two Revs Checks were $70, the registration fee was $436 and then comprehensive insurance was ~ $900. Crazy! Just over $9000 initial investment and then gas (I mean, petrol), which costs $1.68/L. At least it's not New Zealand, where prices were as high as $2.16/L! Hopefully I'll be able to recoup most of the cost of the car when I sell in December.

I'm a little sad I don't have an SUV (I really had my heart set on a Toyota Rav4, a Honda CR-V or a Jeep TJ), but with gas prices being what they are, I don't want to shell out more than I have to. So I'm not driving what I pictured myself in, but I am driving an Aussie car, which I love! Hopefully it'll grow on me. My first big road trip will probably be to Coral Bay over Easter, which is at the end of the month. It's a six hour drive, which is a long day driving by myself. I've driven to Canmore by myself before though, so I can do it. I'm not sure how to do it without music~ I have no CDs here and I'm sure the radio won't work the entire time. I guess I'll be listening to my iPod through my ear buds- yuck!

This weekend is the Labour Day long weekend. It kind of snuck up on me, so I'm not going away anywhere special. I've been invited out on both Saturday and Sunday nights, so that's exciting. Hopefully I'll finalize Easter plans and make some headway with my April holidays as well. 


  1. It's interesting the compromises on cars we must make when living in another country. I purchase only diesel cars, even if diesel is more expensive, because those cars here cost less for road tax and have better mileage. My first two cars in Scotland were tiny hatchbacks because I couldn't afford anything else, but now I've got my station wagon, which I love! SUV's are too expensive to run here too, but yet many people still have them!

  2. A station wagon is certainly no VW Golf, is it? Yeah, when it came down to it, I didn't want to pay more for the luxury of owning an SUV. And the SUV's I like aren't even real 4x4's, so it's not like I would go off-roading in them, not that I know how anyway. Diesel doesn't seem to be too popular here, I didn't see many for sale. I wouldn't mind owning a clean diesel VW when I get home. Add another one to the list!

  3. wow awesome car

  4. wow awesome car

  5. Wow awesome car!


  6. Sweet ride!


  7. Hi Ms,Rupp Its me Justin and i want to no what is a stick our you mean a stick on a Tree? Also is awesome at Austrillia?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.


      Emma's friend NICOLE picked me up at the airport

  9. Hey ms,Rupp it is diya i like your new car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

  10. it's taylor sweet ride

  11. How are you going to get the to Edmonton?


  13. hi when are you coming back to edmonton in miss you .mrs.cowling is really nice and fun.she gives us sweets like you i reaaaaalllllllyyyyyyyyyy miiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssssssss yyyyyyyyyooooooooouuuuuuuuuu soooooooooooooo mmmmmmmmmmmuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccchhhhhhhhhh bbbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeee

  14. music note 100000000000000 is nicole me

  15. Hi its Sarah I really miss you !
