Sunday, December 1, 2013

My Gratefuls

The idea to write a post about what I'm grateful for has been percolating for awhile. One of my parents mentioned that at dinner time they go around the table and each family member says three things for which they're grateful. Another friend of mine has recently been tweeting #gratitude247 while another has been posting inspirational quotes on Facebook, some of which have been on gratitude. Studies have shown that by cultivating gratitude, by keeping a gratitude journal for example, you can increase feelings of well-being and happiness~ who doesn't want that? So here's what I'm grateful for right now:

1. Warm weather

This past week lows have been in the low 20's and highs have been in the low 30's and I'm loving it. It's perfect weather to be outside and I've been taking full advantage with swimming in the outdoor pool, mountain biking, running and hiking. The weather is pretty predictable up here and I will definitely miss the ability to wear sandals year round!

2. Skype and FaceTime

I'm not sure how I would have coped this year had I not been able to Skype and FaceTime with friends and family. It has been very reassuring to have that connection with home to check in, to vent, to update each other on what was new.... When I was in Australia four years ago, I only Skyped a handful of times all year. Internet was pricy and I was always on the move. Staying in one place and having my own laptop (and being in the privacy of my own home rather than the hostel lounge) have definitely made using Skype and FaceTime easier.

3. My students

I have a challenging group of kids this year. Twenty-nine 9 and 10 year olds of very differing abilities (one student still doesn't know all of his letters and sounds), lots of loud personalities who love to be heard (and several quiet ones who are just coming out of their shell now) and several who only come to school 1-2 times a week (on a good week). Despite these challenges, I have really enjoyed getting to know my students this year and watching them learn and grow. They have made me laugh in a year when I needed exactly that. I will miss them.

My motley crew, at least for three more weeks. 
We are missing a few characters (I only count 23)!

4. Four hours of DOTT (Duties Other Than Teaching, aka prep) a week

It's going to be hard to go back to 80 minutes a week back home. Enough said!

That's what I'm grateful for right now. What are you grateful for?